100 Billion Digits:

Unless you’re using a browser that doesn’t support the .ogg audio format, you’re probably hearing numbers right now. These numbers are the digits of Pi, as being read by a script I wrote. Wait a few moments, every 100th digit will tell you how far into the digits you’re at.

Will this stream stop? Well, maybe after a few decades. This script is reading off 100 billion digits of Pi, and it took roughly 3 days for my computer to calculate.

How and Why

These digits aren’t being calculated on the fly, I’ve already computed them. This script is reading from a pre-generated 100 GB text file right now, which I got from the program y-cruncher. At the time of writing, the world record is 55 trillion digits so 100 billion isn’t exactly “impressive,” but it’s definitely the most I’ve ever computed.

The “why” of this project was pretty straightforward: I was procrastinating some homework. Calculating Pi to ridiculous accuracy is one of those things that feels so rewarding but has no real-world benefit to anyone, so it’s a fun pastime for me. At the end of it, I also have a super big text file, which can be fun for those very common circumstances where you need a super big text file (/s)

If you’re familiar with y-cruncher, I’ve attached my verification file below. This file outlines the time table and details of the computation. Overall, it was pretty inefficient, since I had to use mechanical hard drives configured under ZFS as SWAP:

Benchmark Validation File - DO NOT MODIFY! If you do, it will fail validation.

Validation Version:    1.3

Program:               y-cruncher v0.7.8 Build 9506
Tuning:                08-NHM ~ Ushio

User:                  Zachary Kline

Operating System:      Linux 4.19.0-10-amd64 x86_64

    Name:              Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz
    Logical Cores:     8
    Physical Cores:    8
    Sockets:           2
    NUMA Nodes:        2
    Base Frequency:    2,666,798,976 Hz

    Serial Number:     Suppressed - Personally identifiable information is opt-in only.

    Usable Memory:     33,732,304,896 (31.4 GiB)
    Total Memory:      Unable to Detect

Constant:              Pi
Algorithm:             Chudnovsky (1988)
Decimal Digits:        100,000,000,000
Hexadecimal Digits:    83,048,202,373
Computation Mode:      Swap Mode
Threading Mode:        Push Pool  ->  8 / ?  (randomization on)
Working Memory:        30,667,804,416 (28.6 GiB)
Total Memory:          31,235,147,520 (29.1 GiB)

Logical Largest Checkpoint:    141,287,710,800 ( 132 GiB)
Logical Peak Disk Usage:       503,852,605,704 ( 469 GiB)
Logical Disk Bytes Read:       18,251,711,761,812 (16.6 TiB)
Logical Disk Bytes Written:    15,909,719,930,036 (14.5 TiB)

Configuration Dump:
    Constant : {
        Constant : "pi"
        Algorithm : "chudnovsky"
    ComputeSize : {
        DecimalDigits : 100000000000
        EnableHexDigits : "true"
    Output : {
        Path : ""
        OutputEnable : "true"
        DigitsPerFile : 0
    OutputVerify : "true"
    Mode : "swap"
    Parallelism : {
        TaskDecomposition : 8
        Framework : "pushpool"
        WorkerThreads : 0
        Randomization : "true"
        MaxSequentialDispatch : 64
    Allocator : {
        Allocator : "interleave"
        Hashed : "true"
        mbind : "false"
        LockedPages : "attempt"
        Nodes : [0 1]
    Memory : 31235147520
    Checkpointing : {
        Enabled : "true"
        PostCheckpointCommand : ""
    FarMemoryTuning : {
        BytesPerSeek : 1048576
        ParallelAccess : "none"
    FarMemoryConfig : {
        Framework : "disk-raid0"
        InterleaveWidth : 262144
        BufferPerLane : 67108864
        Checksums : "true"
        RawIO : "true"
        Lanes : [
            {   //  Lane 0
                Path : ""
                BufferAllocator : {
                    Allocator : "interleave"
                    Hashed : "true"
                    mbind : "false"
                    LockedPages : "attempt"
                    Nodes : [0 1]
                WorkerThreadCores : []
                WorkerThreadPriority : 2

Start Date:            Fri Aug 28 21:41:11 2020
End Date:              Tue Sep  1 04:05:10 2020

Total Computation Time:    255285.885 seconds
Start-to-End Wall Time:    282239.069 seconds

CPU Utilization:           204.89 %  +  0.53 % kernel overhead
Multi-core Efficiency:     25.61 %  +  0.07 % kernel overhead

Last Decimal Digits:
8614936178 2910791153 4443607291 9665696203 7329712945  :  99,999,999,950
9536515199 6948432428 3185077669 0674614692 0191295669  :  100,000,000,000

Last Hexadecimal Digits:
adf23df916 c2d4167875 8e2bede8c6 e87a5d957b 00c7f252fd  :  83,048,202,350
e55d87142f 94e93e4f54 d1a

SHA256-dec(100,000,000,001 - 100,000,000,100): 50df006a7c52e6938c29f7c35dbd77a3f9300861995589396b645db7ec5c526f

Dec Counts: {10000104750,9999937631,10000026432,9999912396,10000032702,9999963661,9999824088,10000084530,10000157175,9999956635}
Hex Counts: {5190463595,5190542120,5190400156,5190579414,5190473644,5190543626,5190553436,5190490649,5190531295,5190465184,5190552279,5190555609,5190559606,5190442901,5190498764,5190550095}

Dec Hash: Floor(|x| * 10^dec) mod (2^61 - 1) = 1508666899694937228
Hex Hash: Floor(|x| * 16^hex) mod (2^61 - 1) = 288288873083286541

Spot Check:                 Good through 100,000,000,000
Timer Sanity Check:         Disabled due to checkpoint restart
Frequency Sanity Check:     Disabled in this version of y-cruncher
Reference Clock:            kvm-clock
Reference Clock 0:          0
Reference Clock 1:          110,299,406
Reference Clock 2:          1,304,744
Is Debugger Present:        Unknown
Is Contiguous:              No
ECC Recovered Errors:       0
Colors:                     Yes

Event Log:
Fri Aug 28 21:41:11 2020	0.104	Working Memory
Fri Aug 28 21:41:32 2020	20.555	Working Memory: 28.6 GiB  (locked, spread: ?)
Fri Aug 28 21:41:32 2020	20.555	Twiddle Tables
Fri Aug 28 21:41:34 2020	22.345	Twiddle Tables:  477 MiB  (locked, spread: ?)
Fri Aug 28 21:41:34 2020	22.345	I/O Buffers
Fri Aug 28 21:41:34 2020	22.552	I/O Buffers: 64.0 MiB  (locked, spread: ?)
Fri Aug 28 21:41:34 2020	22.552	Begin Computation
Fri Aug 28 21:41:34 2020	22.552	Series CommonP2B3...  7,051,366,947 terms  (Expansion Factor = 3.122)
Fri Aug 28 21:41:34 2020	22.552	Series: A ( 36 ) 0.000%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:34 2020	22.728	Series: A ( 35 ) 0.002%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:35 2020	23.248	Series: A ( 34 ) 0.005%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:35 2020	23.826	Series: E ( 33 ) 0.009%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:36 2020	24.458	Series: E ( 32 ) 0.013%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:37 2020	25.151	Series: E ( 31 ) 0.016%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:38 2020	26.148	Series: E ( 30 ) 0.022%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:39 2020	27.443	Series: E ( 29 ) 0.028%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:41 2020	29.253	Series: E ( 28 ) 0.037%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:43 2020	31.658	Series: E ( 27 ) 0.049%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:46 2020	34.961	Series: E ( 26 ) 0.064%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:51 2020	39.411	Series: E ( 25 ) 0.084%
Fri Aug 28 21:41:57 2020	45.532	Series: E ( 24 ) 0.110%
Fri Aug 28 21:42:06 2020	54.165	Series: E ( 23 ) 0.144%
Fri Aug 28 21:42:17 2020	65.898	Series: E ( 22 ) 0.189%
Fri Aug 28 21:42:33 2020	81.367	Series: E ( 21 ) 0.248%
Fri Aug 28 21:42:54 2020	102.700	Series: E ( 20 ) 0.325%
Fri Aug 28 21:43:25 2020	133.279	Series: E ( 19 ) 0.426%
Fri Aug 28 21:44:03 2020	171.887	Series: E ( 18 ) 0.558%
Fri Aug 28 21:45:00 2020	228.766	Series: E ( 17 ) 0.732%
Fri Aug 28 21:46:14 2020	302.760	Series: E ( 16 ) 0.959%
Fri Aug 28 21:47:59 2020	407.210	Series: E ( 15 ) 1.258%
Fri Aug 28 21:50:14 2020	542.165	Series: E ( 14 ) 1.650%
Fri Aug 28 21:53:20 2020	728.425	Series: E ( 13 ) 2.163%
Fri Aug 28 21:57:42 2020	990.418	Series: E ( 12 ) 2.837%
Fri Aug 28 22:03:35 2020	1343.376	Series: E ( 11 ) 3.720%
Fri Aug 28 22:11:25 2020	1813.798	Series: E ( 10 ) 4.879%
Fri Aug 28 22:22:51 2020	2499.219	Series: S ( 9 ) 6.399%
Fri Aug 28 22:40:53 2020	3581.323	Series: S ( 8 ) 8.394%
Fri Aug 28 23:30:37 2020	6565.574	Series: S ( 7 ) 11.013%
Sat Aug 29 00:39:58 2020	10726.946	Series: S ( 6 ) 14.453%
Sat Aug 29 02:20:19 2020	16748.091	Series: S ( 5 ) 18.973%
Sat Aug 29 06:25:30 2020	31459.076	Series: S ( 4 ) 24.918%

Sat Aug 29 11:41:01 2020	0.000	--- Resuming From Checkpoint ---
Sat Aug 29 11:41:01 2020	0.100	Working Memory
Sat Aug 29 11:41:15 2020	14.077	Working Memory: 28.6 GiB  (locked, spread: ?)
Sat Aug 29 11:41:15 2020	14.077	Twiddle Tables
Sat Aug 29 11:41:16 2020	14.851	Twiddle Tables:  477 MiB  (locked, spread: ?)
Sat Aug 29 11:41:16 2020	14.851	I/O Buffers
Sat Aug 29 11:41:16 2020	14.917	I/O Buffers: 64.0 MiB  (locked, spread: ?)
Sat Aug 29 11:41:16 2020	14.918	Resuming Computation
Sat Aug 29 11:41:16 2020	14.918	Series CommonP2B3...  7,051,366,947 terms  (Expansion Factor = 3.122)
Sat Aug 29 11:41:16 2020	14.918	Series: S ( 4 ) 24.918%
Sat Aug 29 13:48:56 2020	7675.074	Series: S ( 3 ) 32.747%
Sat Aug 29 18:34:25 2020	24803.906	Series: S ( 2 ) 43.076%
Sun Aug 30 01:53:56 2020	51175.261	Series: S ( 1 ) 56.749%
Sun Aug 30 14:18:17 2020	95835.710	Series: S ( 0 ) 74.970%
Mon Aug 31 05:27:52 2020	150411.139	Finishing Series
Mon Aug 31 05:58:09 2020	152227.782	Large Division
Mon Aug 31 11:38:53 2020	172671.681	InvSqrt(10005)...
Mon Aug 31 15:18:28 2020	185846.303	Large Multiply
Mon Aug 31 18:03:25 2020	195743.888	Verify Large Multiply
Mon Aug 31 18:17:16 2020	196575.225	Writing Hexadecimal Digits
Mon Aug 31 18:34:15 2020	197594.226	Base Converting
Tue Sep  1 00:06:06 2020	217504.640	Writing Decimal Digits
Tue Sep  1 00:25:02 2020	218640.434	Verifying Base Conversion
Tue Sep  1 03:50:04 2020	230942.734	Verifying Binary Output
Tue Sep  1 03:53:53 2020	231172.049	Verifying Decimal Output
Tue Sep  1 03:59:44 2020	231522.692	Verifying Hexadecimal Output
Tue Sep  1 04:05:10 2020	231849.223	End Computation


Checksum0: c2f41b22da0222079d32eac979b0f44ef8c60e22292cfe525fab4f16135a0988d48ae4427bdcfccabd3fe5fb7862b0f0ab94e01fb7456c47db6fa7fd9eef57c0
Checksum1: 010eb547434fe40209c054a0b0341f5fa648a4ff4c58a448b326d4ebf805aed0c2938ddc81b58c16090a736d13bff348276e9eecf50cd0bb19a9598146cdd8d2